Minggu, 15 Februari 2009

Courtney Love has had another pop at arch rival Madonna

COURTNEY LOVE has had another pop at arch rival MADONNA.

The mouthy Hole frontwoman is moving to London - but hopes the Queen Of Pop will never return to the British capital after her own move to New York.

Writing on her online blog, Courtney said: "Madonna had better stay the hell away from London when I move here to live!"

"There's no room for us both. Buckinghamshire is where I want to go. I'm fed up with L.A. It's full of crazy people.

"People criticise Britain but it is still a cleaner, safer place to live than Hollywood."

The feisty pair fell out after Courtney threw a compact mirror at the Material Girl at the 1995 MTV Video Music Awards.

Controversial Courtney also launched a vicious tirade on Madonna’s singing skills via MySpace last year.

She said: “Madonna is a great businesswoman, but come on, she is weak as an artist and we all know it.”

“It’s a joke she’s singing from such a calculating, thought-out place all the time, it’s never from her gut or heart or intuition.”

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