Jumat, 18 Mei 2007

Nicole Richie's Harper Bazaar Interview

Nicole Richie Shopping In Sydney

On her scrapes with the law: “Every mistake I make, there’s consequences, I don’t take anything lightly.”

On being above the law: “Well, clearly I’m not! Otherwise, it would be smooth sailing. I get caught for everything!”

On her plans for herself: “My plan was not to be a celebrity. My plan was to be a singer and an entertainer. I wanted to go to NYU, major in musical theater, do Broadway, and come out with an album. Unfortunately, I started fucking up when I was in my teens.”

On her friends: “This year, my biggest struggle has been realizing that some people close to me are not good for my life. I’m a girl and I love to gossip, but when I hear that people I consider friends are talking about me, it really hurts my feelings. It’s not, ‘Is Nicole okay?’ but more like, ‘I heard that Nicole blah-blah.”

On her ex-stylist Rachel Zoe: “There’s definitely an idea that Rachel styled me and she dressed me every day, like I was her Barbie. That’s not the case. She dressed me for events.”

On her love of rock ‘n roll style: “I like really pale, I like really skinny, I like people that kind of look homeless. Back in the day, it would have been David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix…”
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